WOD 02272025Workout of the DayFeb 261 min readA. Dynamic StretchesB. (For warm up)300m run75 ab mat sit ups300m run50 air squats300m run25 toes to barC. (For Strength/ Technique)Front squat3-3-2-2-1-1(Build by feel; first set starts 85%)D. Static stretches
A. Dynamic StretchesB. (For warm up)300m run75 ab mat sit ups300m run50 air squats300m run25 toes to barC. (For Strength/ Technique)Front squat3-3-2-2-1-1(Build by feel; first set starts 85%)D. Static stretches
WOD 03082025A. Dynamic Stretches B. “Let’s Go Slow Poke” (Teams of 4) (As many rounds as possible in 10:00) 7 synchronized deadlifts 315/225lb 14...
WOD 03072025A. Dynamic Stretches B. “25.2” (For time) 21 pull ups 42 double unders 21 thrusters 95/65lb 18 chest to bar pull ups 36 double unders 18...
WOD 03062025A. Dynamic Stretches B. (For warm up) 2 rounds: 10 air squat 10 banded ankle rock each side 2 rounds: 10 driver squat 25/15lb 15 cal ski...