WOD 04282023Workout of the DayApr 27, 20231 min readA. Dynamic Stretches B. (5 rounds)10 Dbell RDLs 15 second L sit or hollow rocks 20 sit ups C. (For Strength/ Technique)Dbell Deadlift 6-6-6-6-6 D. (For time)75 dbell bent over rows 75 dbell bicep curls E. Static stretches
A. Dynamic Stretches B. (5 rounds)10 Dbell RDLs 15 second L sit or hollow rocks 20 sit ups C. (For Strength/ Technique)Dbell Deadlift 6-6-6-6-6 D. (For time)75 dbell bent over rows 75 dbell bicep curls E. Static stretches
WOD 03132025A. Dynamic Stretches B. (For warm up) 400m run 1:00 max: sumo deadlift 1:00 max: air squats 400m run 1:00 max: sumo deadlift high pull...
WOD 03122025A. Dynamic Stretches B. (For time) 3 rounds: 15 dbell hang power cleans (dbell each hand) 15 sprawls 3 rounds: 30 sit ups 12 sprawls 3...
WOD 03112025A. Dynamic Stretches B. (6:00 clock) Minute 1: 50 elevated plank taps Minute 2: 30 second max: jumps squats C. (5 rounds) 2:00: 200m...