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Writer's pictureWorkout of the Day

WOD 06022023

A. Dynamic Stretches

B. (3 rounds)

15 front rack turnovers

Rest 30 seconds

20 second front rack hold (hook grip)

30 second reverse grip dead hang

C. (For time)

5 power cleans 95/135lb

5 power cleans 115/165lb

5 power cleans 125/185lb

5 power cleans 145/205lb

5 power cleans 155/225lb

5 power cleans 165/245lb

5 power cleans 175/265lb

-then immediately-

20 power cleans 95/135lb (no broken sets under 10)

D. (5 rounds)

10 v-ups + 5 hollow ups + 10 second hollow hold

(Complex must be unbroken; rest as much as needed between sets)

E. Static stretches

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