A. New Dynamic Stretches
7:00 to complete:
20 high knee grabs
20 butt kick grabs
20 alt. single leg reach down
20 high kicks
20 alt. arm raises each side
20 backwards arm circles
10 alt. sky touches each side
10 crossover glute stretch
10 reverse lunges
10 Spider-Man lunges
10 calf raises
10 toe squats
10 sumo air squats
B. (As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes)
10 jump squats
10 v-ups
C. (For Strength/ Technique)
Dbell squat
(If no access to heavy weights: double repetitions)
D. (For time)
100 air squats
(At the top of every minute = 30 elevated plank shoulder taps)
E. Static stretches